Can I get a holiday home with swimming pool in Maspalomas?
Yes. We have close to 54 holiday homes with swimming pool in Maspalomas. You can also choose a villa or bungalow with a swimming pool. Each vacation rental will have its own swimming pool policies & timings though. Make sure you talk to the property manager or the owner when you make a reservation.
Can I get any accommodation in Maspalomas if I am travelling with my family or a group of friends?
You will have to choose number of bedrooms depending on the group size. You can go for any of the 34 Apartments, 9 Villas. You can go for 7 1BHK, 34 2BHKS, 10 3BHKS, 10 4BHKS holiday homes
What are the different types of holiday homes I can get in Maspalomas?
Tripvillas has different types of holiday homes you can choose from in Maspalomas. We have 34 Apartments, 16 Cottages, 9 Villas